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The book are written in Russian. If you get interested in a book, it can be translated into English.
    Book can be qualitatively translated by a professional translator, with whom I have a contract. This translator specialises in literary translation, and there is a team of two professionals - a Russian-speaking qualified translator and a native English proofreader.  

B. Draguns

The approximate number
of words 24 000

Sketch of a cover,
proposed by the author



This book is an attempt to put in a small volume the maximum amount of information and not to limit it, in this case, to a simple list of rules and regulations.
The book is written for men and women of any nationality, for all who are interested in good manners.
Utilising the experience of communicating with different people and some leadership training, the author gives advice to those interested in business organizations, as well as for professionals – managers of any rank, from a sales representative to a director of a company. Therefore, the emphasis in the book is placed on the manager, that is, the person who is more responsible than his subordinates. Consequently, the rules and regulations are more stringent and are somewhat different from what canan ordinary mortal can afford.
This approach, in the author's opinion, is interesting and can be used by an "ordinary mortal", at least for the simple reason to find out why the head cannot act in the same way as his subordinates.
A separate chapter is dedicated to the "basic principles of managers' behaviour".
The book was written in Russia and re-edited after 11 years of life in England.


In Russian You can download
by clicking on the picture


The author has publications:

1. The Book “Your computer for home and office at a minimum cost.”
Paperback in English ISBN 978-0-9576598-0-3 Published: UK London. 2012. Publisher: Sergejevs.
The approximate number of words 30 000

2. The Book “Your computer for home and office at a minimum cost.”
Paperback in Russian ISBN 978-0-9576598-2-7 Published: UK London. 2012. Publisher: Sergejevs.
The approximate number of words 26 000

3. The Book “Mannerliness. Short course. And useful recommendations. For the business executives and not only”
Paperback in Russian ISBN 978-0-9576598-4-1 Published: UK London. 2014. Publisher: Sergejevs.
The approximate number of words 28 000